CA 95035(877)757-3863"The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. THE FDA DISCLAIMER BELOW IS FOR MEDICAL DEVICES/EQUIPMENT REQUIRING GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZATION: SVC ASSET MANAGEMENT. Functionality/Degree of Testing: We do not have the necessary resources to test this unit. Click an Image to Enlarge Motorola FLASHport MCS-2000 M01HX+814W 800MHz 2-Way Mobile Radio M01UJL6PW4AN Model: M01HX+814W P/N: M01UJL6PW4AN Physical Condition: Some scuffs and scratches.

If in doubt, please contact us before purchasing. are not included unless pictured or described. more OEM Warranty: 30-Day DOA Warranty This auction only comes with what is pictured or listed in the description. Search our eBay Store! Motorola FLASHport MCS-2000 M01HX+814W 800MHz 2-Way Mobile Radio M01UJL6PW4AN SKU: JV-JIM-B-MCS2000 Condition: Used Packaging.

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